Second Friendship Demo -Kenji Shimizu
Hirokazu Kobayashi
See Hirokazu Kobayashi with ukes André Cognard and Patrick Benezi in this vintage hour long video from 1981, restored from our archives. The video quality is far less than ideal, but it nevertheless serves as a valuable record of the aikido of one of the great direct disciples of Morihei Ueshiba.
Patricia Hendricks Cinematic Demo
A cinematic trailer for Aikido Journal Academy's upcoming Black Belt Essentials course. Preorder now at:
Second Friendship Demo Intro
Second Friendship Demo -Yoshio Sugino
An Introduction to Koichi Tohei
This video was produced for our updated Ki Aikido course with Koichi Tohei.
Course Overview: Aikido Extensions
Sample module from Aikido Extensions with Bruce Bookman.
Full course available here: https://academy.aikidojournal.com/p/Aikido-Extensions
Second Friendship Demo: Morihiro Saito
Muay Thai Clinch to Sutemi Waza
Sample module from Aikido Extensions with Bruce Bookman.
Full course available here: https://academy.aikidojournal.com/p/Aikido-Extensions
Koichi Tohei 1974 Seminar: Part 1
Part 1 of surviving footage of a seminar conducted by Koichi Tohei in 1974 in San Francisco, California. This was near the period of time of his resignation as chief instructor from the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. Tohei Sensei was teaching a mixture of his style of aikido techniques together with the “Ki...
Suwari-waza Sumi-otoshi with Bruce Bookman
An instruction module from Aikido Extensions with Bruce Bookman, an Aikido Journal Academy course. This innovative take on a traditional technique highlights an elegant transition from Sumi-otoshi to Uki-gatame (knee mount control) and finally to a traditional seated nikyo pin.
Daito-ryu: Katsuyuki Kondo, Volume 3
This is the third part in a series of instructional videos covering the Daito-ryu curriculum. The Daito-ryu Aikijujitsu Mokuroku (curriculum) is comprised of 118 techniques. Instruction by Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei.
Post War Greats of Aikido
This newly restored 50-minute video features O-Sensei, Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Gozo Shioda, Koichi Tohei and Morihiro Saito. Post-War Greats is a compilation of precious historical films featuring some of aikido’s most famous figures - those teachers most responsible for the broad success of aikido f...