Two short films of Morihei Ueshiba (the Founder of Aikido).
The first film was shot in 1954 at the old Aikikai Hombu Dojo. The second film shows a special demonstration by O-Sensei commemorating the 5th anniversary of the Johoku Branch dojo in 1962.
Ukes include some of the top legends in the aikido world. The first film (1954) include Gozo Shioda, Koichi Tohei and Morihiro Saito. The second film (1962) includes Nobuyoshi Tamura, Seiichi Sugano, Mitsunari Kanai and Terry Dobson.
Up Next in Demos and Documentaries
Morihei Ueshiba: Iwama with Saito in ...
This short video captures O-sensei's morning ritual of praying to the sun with his uchideshi (Saito Shihan, 9th Dan) in Iwama.
This video includes O-Sensei training with bokken.
Morihei Ueshiba Radio Interview: Part 1
This video clip contains portions of a fascinating interview of the Founder conducted about 1967 during which he is questioned about aikido. As was his custom, many of the Founder’s comments reflect his spiritual views and mention Japanese kami. This recording, which includes full subtitles, affo...
Morihei Ueshiba Radio Interview: Part 2
This video clip contains portions of a fascinating interview of the Founder conducted about 1967 during which he is questioned about aikido. As was his custom, many of the Founder’s comments reflect his spiritual views and mention Japanese kami. This recording, which includes full subtitles, affo...