Nishio Aikido: Part 1: Gyakuhanmi Katatedori
This is Part 1 of the Nishio Aikido instructional series. This video begins with an introduction by Shoji Nishio Shihan. He shares his thoughts on the nature of aikido, discusses his thoughts on the martial aspects of the art, and warns of pitfalls for aikidoka as they carry the art into the future.
Each technique is presented first empty-handed followed by bokken or jo variations. The techniques include kaiten nage, ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, shihonage, yonkyo, Iriminage, kotegaeshi, and sotomakikomi (henka).
Up Next in Instructional
Nishio Aikido: Part 2 Aihanmi Katated...
This is Part 2 of the Nishio Aikido instructional series. Techniques include Joyho kaiten (taisabaki), ikkyo, shihonage, nikyo, iriminage, kotegaeshi, and sankyo. Nishio Sensei demonstrates weapon-based variants of these empty-handed techniques.
Christian Tissier: 2005 Technical Demo
A special demonstration by Christian Tissier Shihan filmed during 2005 Aiki Expo in French with English subtitles.
Do you do tenkan out of habit? Are there any other directions you can move to execute a technique? Tissier Shihan explores and explains different approaches to various attacks in t... -
Morihiro Saito: Aiki-jo Part 1
This is Part 1 of Saito Shihan's jo instructional video. The video includes jo suburi movements, O-Sensei's jo kata movement, and jo awase movements.